

Search Endpoint
Query accessible campaigns (phone numbers)
Resource Endpoint<campaign_id>/
Returns data for a single campaign


Note: All parameters are optional and have useful defaults

Name Description Default Accepted values
corporate_id One Callcap top level "Corporate" account ID (No restriction) Numeric; Corporate account ID your login has access to
division_id Any amount of Callcap 2nd level "Division" account IDs (No restriction) Numeric; Division account IDs your login has access to
location_id Any amount of Callcap 3rd level "Location" account IDs (No restriction) Numeric; Location account IDs your login has access to
campaign_id Any amount of Callcap Campaign IDs (No restriction) Numeric; Campaign IDs your login has access to
search_term Freeform query parameter. search_term is checked against campaign name, line memo fields, campaign notes, tracking number and destination number. Fields checked are subject to change. (None) String
medium_id A list of mediatype IDs corresponding to account specific campaign mediums for which you'd like to limit calls (No restriction) Comma-delimited list of numeric mediatype IDs; Note: An API endpoint to query for mediatypes is coming soon.
is_activated Boolean flag for campaign activation (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns that have been activated, 0 for campaigns that are unactivated.
is_running Boolean flag for campaign status (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns that are still able to take calls, 0 for expired numbers.
has_recording Boolean flag for Recording status (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns with recording on, 0 for off.
has_callsurance Boolean flag for Callsurance status (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns with Callsurance on, 0 for off.
has_webmatch Boolean flag for Webmatch status (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns with Webmatch on, 0 for off.
has_clicktocall Boolean flag for Click-to-Call status (No restriction) Numeric; 1 for campaigns with Click-to-Call (CallConnect) on, 0 for off.
campaign_direction Only return campaigns that are of this type/direction. all Numeric
0 for inbound campaigns only.
1 for outbound campaigns only.
order Order the results name String; One/none of the following:
location (Orders alphabetically by Location name, then Campaign name)
expiration (Order by expiration date of number ascending)
destination (Order by destination number numerically)
callcap_number (Orders numerically by Callcap phone numbers numerically)
detail Control the level of detail for each campaign result. Note: Basic campaign data is shown for every request. all String; Comma delimited list of any/all/none of the following:
all (Shows everything)
notes (Shows line memos and campaign notes)
accounts (Shows Callcap Account information; Corporate, Division, and Location)