Phone Numbers
HTTP method: GET URL:
GET parameters (with example)
Search for specific parts of a number
- areaCode = "316"
- exchange = "555"
- line = "1234"
Search through account "reserved" or public pool
- locationID = 3
- If specified, must be a valid Callcap location ID. If showReservedPool is true, this will specify which account's reserved pool to search within.
- account = "L-3"
- If specified, must be a valid Callcap location account key. If showReservedPool is true, this will specify which account's reserved pool to search within.
- showPublicPool = true
- Show numbers available to all customers.
- showReservedPool = true
- Show numbers that are only available to your account for provisioning. Must have either locationID or account set to a valid value to search inside an account's reserved pool.
Search based on number type
- showTollfree = true
- Show toll free phone numbers.
- showLocal = true
- Show non-toll-free phone numbers.
Search based on location of the phone number
- country = "US" (Will also accept "CA" for Canada)
- state = "KS"
- city = "Wichita"
- rateCenter = "WICHITA DOWNTOWN"
- zipcode = "67202"
Search based on matching vanity text
- vanityText = "hello"
- This can be any text and we will attempt to find a phone number containing the equivalent keypad digits.
- You may use * or # as "wildcards". For example ###cake would match a number like 316-734-CAKE (2253)
Search for a specific phone number
- fullNumber = "3165551234"
Method: POST URL:
Using this API, the number will be immediately ready for use and will incur any charges as normal.
POST parameters (with example data)
- locationID = "3"
- If specified, must be a valid Callcap location ID. A Callcap location account is required for the phone number to be provisioned within. Either locationID or account is required.
- account = "L-3"
- If specified, must be a valid Callcap location account key. A Callcap location account is required for the phone number to be provisioned within. Either locationID or account is required.
- phoneNumber = "3165551234"
- If you've previously found a phone number to provision, specify the exact number here.
- destination = "3164447896"
- The phone number that the Callcap number should ring to.
- campaignName = "My Campaign"
- The name for the created "campaign" for the provisioned phone number. If not set, the campaign name will default to the phone number chosen.
- notes = "Phone number campaign notes"
- Any longform notes to store with the phone number campaign.
- memo1 = "Extra memo information for the phone number campaign"
- A way to store extra information, for example to store account associations in your own system.
- memo2 = "Extra memo information for the phone number campaign"
- A way to store extra information, for example to store account associations in your own system.
- recording = true/false
- Whether phone call recording should be on or off.
- evaluation = "off" / "realtime"
- Whether calls should be evaluated in realtime using Callsurance.
- mediaTypeID
- optional numeric media type ID corresponding to a medium
- brand
- optional brand associated with the campaign
- service
- optional ad service line
- target
- optional ad target
- offer
- optional ad offer/coupon
Search parameters for instant search and provision
- You may also pass in any of the arguments used in the number search GET resource.
- This will find the first phone number that matches your search criteria and provision it for you.
Method: POST URL:
Update campaign information and phone number routing and features.
POST parameters (with example data)
Phone number routing and features
- destination = "3164447896"
- The phone number that the Callcap number should ring to.
- stopDate = "2099-01-01"
- The date when the phone number will stop accepting phone calls. Must be a valid date string equal to the current day or in the future.
- recording = true/false
- Whether phone call recording should be on or off.
- evaluation = "off" / "realtime" / "delayed"
- Whether calls should be evaluated in Callsurance and whether it should be real-time or delayed evaluations.
Campaign information
- campaignName = "My Campaign"
- The name for the created "campaign" for the provisioned phone number. If not set, the campaign name will default to the phone number chosen.
- notes = "Phone number campaign notes"
- Any longform notes to store with the phone number campaign.
- memo1 = "Extra memo information for the phone number campaign"
- A way to store extra information, for example to store account associations in your own system.
- memo2 = "Extra memo information for the phone number campaign"
- A way to store extra information, for example to store account associations in your own system.
- mediaTypeID
- brand
- service
- target
- offer
Updated about 1 month ago
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