Edit Revenue
HTTP method: POST URL:
POST parameters (with example)
This resource will allow you to enter revenue values to a call ID
POST parameter
- callid = "123"
- The call ID of the resource which you wish to modify.
- revenueValue = "10"
- The dollar amount of revenue to be entered.
- Non numeric values will throw an error
- Null values are allowed and will (re)set the revenue value to null
Edit Invoice
HTTP method: POST URL:
POST parameters (with example)
This resource will allow you to enter an invoice number to a call ID
POST parameter
- callid = "123"
- The call ID of the resource which you wish to modify.
- invoiceNumber = "X123YZ"
- String value for the invoice. This will be truncated to 20 characters.
- Null values are allowed and will (re)set the invoice to null
Updated about 1 month ago
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